Legal Resources

More information about risk assessment in California and the Committee can be found at the following link:


California laws about sex offender risk assessment are found in Penal Code sections 290.03-09, 1202.8, 1203, 1203e, 1203f, 1203.067, 3008, and 9003:

Confidentiality of Criminal Offender Record Information

Treatment providers and programs are prohibited from re-disseminating criminal offender record information (CORI). Probation officers and parole agents with sex offender caseloads are required to provide certified sex offender treatment providers with all relevant records pertaining to registered sex offenders in certified treatment programs. (Pen. Code, §§ 290.07, 290.09.) This information is provided solely to enable accurate scoring of risk assessment instruments pursuant to Penal Code section 290.09. Such records are confidential criminal history information which cannot legally be re-disseminated. (Pen. Code, §§ 11075, 11076.)

CORI_Re-dissemination (PDF) for a full discussion of this issue.